Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Isagenix Advantage

Aside from all the good stuff I’ve been explaining to you about Network Marketing, the Health Revolution, Isagenix products, the Compensation plan…let me tell you about this company itself now.

Isagenix is a well-capitalized and finely managed company. They distribute products that are visual, emotional and consumable. Do you have any idea how satisfying it is to receive a call from someone on your team that is in tears because he/she lost xx pounds? Or is in tears and emotional about finally being able to make ends meet? Even better is the call with shouts of joy telling you they had just quit their J-O-B! There’s no business and company like this one…

We have a team-building compensation plan, cutting-edge business building tools and the timing is PERFECT to come in NOW. Isagenix is going into the momentum, for the second time – right now! What does that mean for you? That the huge wave of people coming in could be UNDER YOU.

Call me, call me CALL ME!

Visit www.TheBestCleanseSystem.net to get all the details – then CONTACT ME!

I’ll be waiting for you…

Have a fabulous day,

Isabel Gelo C.,
Isagenix Independent Product Consultant
Email: Isabel@workfromhome4parents.com
SKYPE: paradigmwealthsystem
Visit my Blog! http://isabelgeloc.blogspot.com
Suite 621
NY, NY 10034

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